Thursday, May 29, 2014

Roasted Garlic Cauliflower Spread

This is a re-visit to the hummus I made, but I like this even better.  And it is even more simple. 

Chop one head of cauliflower into pieces.  The size of the pieces only matters for getting into your food processor later.
Peel one head of garlic.

Put both in a heavy pot that has a lid.  I used my enameled cast-iron pot.

Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt.

Bake at 350 for 1 hr 15 mins.  This develops some really flavorful dark bits on the bottom.  I was worried they were burnt pieces but when I tried one I realized they had just carmelized really well.

Let cool a bit and then plop it all in the food processor.  Process until nice and smooth.

IT IS SO YUMMY!  I was eating it by the spoonful before spreading it on my burger which is how I ate it last night.  But I am really tempted to try making a chicken salad and use this spread instead of mayo.  It is so nice and creamy in texture and really, really yummy.  Enjoy!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Turkey Salad Lettuce Wraps

This turned out so yummy!!  I've been preparing for it in little steps during the week.  First, we had turkey and roasted vegetables for dinner on Tuesday.  On Wednesday we got celery in our basket from the produce co-op, and that put me in mind of chicken, er turkey, salad.  

So one day I made the home-made mayonnaise I found here.  But I didn't hand whisk it.  I used the whisk on my hand held mixer.

I also made a super simple cranberry sauce by dumping a bag of frozen cranberries (rinsed) in a pan, adding some water (not quite enough to cover, but they floated so it was hard to tell) and cooking it until they broke apart and the sauce got thick.  Then I added honey to taste.  It took more than I thought it would, but I'll only be using it as a condiment, not sitting down to a bowlful, so I figure it'll be okay. :-)

I also soaked and dehydrated some walnuts, which I read about here.  The idea is that it makes the nuts easier to digest.  (Don't get feeling overwhelmed.  You stick 'em in some water and come back seven hours later, drain, stick 'em in the dehydrator and come back tomorrow - not a labor intensive process. ;-) )

So this morning (yes, I had it for breakfast) I chopped up a celery stalk from the middle of the bunch, a green onion, some of my dehydrated walnuts, and some leftover turkey.  I stirred in just enough mayo to make it come together, along with a little salt and red pepper.  Turkey salad in a couple of romaine leaves, a little cranberry sauce on top - it was so yummy!!

I used to really not care for leftover turkey, but this changed my mind. ;-)